Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday Tips: Create Quality Content

Sometimes it's not about creating a lot of content, but about creating quality, share-able content.  You can have a lot of content pouring out - and many pages do - but if users aren't engaged and the posts aren't share-able, then you have a problem.

As a page admin, or content manager, it is your (or your team if you have a team) job to create content that is useful and relevant to your fans/followers.  It is also your job to encourage those same fans/followers to comment and share your content - which means it has to be engaging.  Ultimately, it all boils down to shareability.

A great way to do this is to ask open ended questions that target your audience - whether it be about your brand, product or upcoming event.  Encourage them to answer.

Post photos and videos that are relevant to what your page is about.  Posting things that aren't relevant in an attempt to click farm likes is just not kosher.

Put thought into what you post and what you schedule to post.  Is it something you would share if you weren't the admin?  Is it something your most cynical friend would share?  Admittedly, not everyone will share everything you post - but getting some shares is always a good thing.

If your page is starting out, you should target to post to your audience at least once a week, but more likely three times a week.  You can go more or less than three times a week, but three times a week will help keep your fans engaged and returning.  The larger your fanbase is, the more often you can, and should, post.

Tomorrow, in Wednesday Word's, we explain shareability and why it's important.

Tuesday Tips are a series of tips released on Tuesday each week regarding a hint or tip to help you manage and market your Facebook presence better.  You can find all the Tuesday Tips by clicking on the Tuesday Tips tag below.

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