Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday Words: Viral Marketing

We've all seen the ad that gets shared by all of our friends, our friends' friends and our friends' friends' mom (if she's on Facebook/Twitter/Whatever Social media).  They shared the video because it's cute or "you have to see this, it's great" and that becomes the next thing that has been viral marketed.

That's what today's word is: Viral Marketing.  Viral Marketing is a risky technique where marketers hope that users share the information to each other repeatedly leading to wide coverage and interest.

Unfortunately, there is no sure fire way to create a "viral video or "make something go viral."  How viral something will be is impossible to predict. Basically it comes down to something that strikes a chord with someone and it gets shared, it strikes a chord with others, shared and goes from there.

It is definitely a risky marketing technique, especially if you invest thousands of dollars into creating a video that you expect to go viral and it doesn't.

So if you're looking into viral marketing, just remember, it's not a guarantee of marketing success.

Wednesday Words are a series of definitions released on Wednesday each week regarding a word found specific to Facebook's social media platform, or may be a generic word dealing with social media. These definitions are to help provide you with a better understanding of common and uncommon terms associated with Facebook and social media. You can find all the Wednesday Words by clicking on the Wednesday Words tag below.

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