Saturday, July 26, 2014

Saturday Sharing: Bizarre Things People Addicted to Social Media Do

If any of the things mentioned in the article below are habits you find yourself doing, you might want to have a personal intervention.

While I admit, I look at my social media accounts when its not interfering with my day job, driving (I never, ever check social media while driving.  Please don't do it either.), talking with friends and family, etc., I do have a habit of checking Facebook via the phone when I wake up or when I get a notification, etc.

I can honestly say, I haven't done any of these 29 bizarre things myself, but I know people who do - and I know members of younger generations who do it without even realizing they're doing it because it's just a part of their life.

Check out this neat article.  are you guilty of any of the things mentioned/  What are some things you do that may be a sign of being addicted to social media that isn't mentioned in the article?  Share your responses in the comment sections below or on our Facebook page.

To read the full article:

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