Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tuesday Tips: Recycle Old Content

A regular piece of advice is to post content several times a day to your social media networks in an attempt to gain more viewers - or so that those that miss your first post catch a later one. This is good advice but many people think that this means having several new pieces of content on their site to promote every day - which isn't necessarily true.

While new content is helpful, creating several pieces of new content daily, especially if you are a small brand or small blog, is damn near impossible. If I was perfectly honest, I'd say that creating a post a day six days a week is quite trying and I barely manage it some weeks. I manage it poorly on other weeks when my posts aren't scheduled out in advance. Yet, even scheduling in advance, it can be hard to have more than one post available to share daily.

This is where today's tip comes into play: recycling old content.

When I want to drive more content to my site, I will often share old posts via Twitter and Facebook. I'll take a look at what was most popular that week or what was most popular in the last year and retweet those posts with a different post than before.

A lot of recycling content is presenting it with a different wrapping. Instead of just linking it how it appears in Twitter - create a different statement, like "Why is spell check important? Check these tips out?" or "Have you seen the most popular blog post on my site? Check this one out on spell checking." There are many ways to re-present old content.

Alternatively, there are also many ways to rewrite old content. Keep in mind, you definitely do not want to repost the same content over and over again as new content - that kills SEO and unique article rankings in Google and most search engines - but finding new ways to say what you said before is always a great way to drive more traffic to your site.

What are ways that you have recycled content?  Leave your answers below!

Tuesday Tips are a series of tips released on Tuesday each week regarding a hint or tip to help you manage and market your Facebook presence better.  You can find all the Tuesday Tips by clicking on the Tuesday Tips tag below.

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