Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday Tutorials: Creating a Collection with Google+

Google+ Pages now have an interesting new way to help you group posts together to better promote your brand. I came across this today and decided that since I hadn't tried out Collections yet, this would be the time to do a tutorial on it.

You can access "Collections" by loading the page you want to create a collection on. Below your cover image, you have several menu choices, as seen below.

Click on "Collections." Since you haven't created a collection yet, you'll see a page like this:

Scroll down to the bottom and click on the blue "Create Collection Button." When you click on it a popup like this will appear with everything behind it greyed out.

So figure out what you want one of your collections to be about and fill out the information in the boxes. For this one, I want to create a collection for featured homes on the site.

Once completed, hit create. That will take you to a page that looks like this which you can customize to how you want it to look.

In this area is where you create posts that you want under the collection. I was hoping I could group old posts into the collection, but that apparently isn't available (yet).

This page is completely customizable and you can even share just the collection with others.

If you go back to your main page and click on "Collections", you will now see the following:

This will allow you to add posts to your already created collection as well as create a new collection in the future.

This seems like a really neat feature that has been released by Google+ and I look forward to playing with it more.

Thursday Tutorials are a series of tutorials designed to help people who may not be as Facebook savvy as other people.  Some tutorials will be targeted towards newbies to the social media world, others will include tutorials for more advanced users.  Thursday Tutorials are written for the layman and are designed with everyone in mind.  You can find all the Thursday Tutorials by clicking on the Thursday Tutorials tag below.

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