Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday Words: +1 button

Every so often you'll see an icon (much smaller, however) like this one to the left below a post. This is Google+'s version of the "Like" Button that Facebook has. The +1 button is proprietary to Google but basically does the same thing the Like button on Facebook does meaning "I really like this idea and I'm showing my support by sharing it by +1ing it"

The icon below posts are white until you give them a +1. Once you +1 it with your Google+ account it becomes red so that you know you've liked and shared it.  Pretty neat huh?

If you haven't messed around with Google+ or the +1 buttons, you should check it out sometime.

Wednesday Words are a series of definitions released on Wednesday each week regarding a word found specific to Facebook's social media platform, or may be a generic word dealing with social media. These definitions are to help provide you with a better understanding of common and uncommon terms associated with Facebook and social media. You can find all the Wednesday Words by clicking on the Wednesday Words tag below.

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