Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday Tips: Optimize Ads

If you are going to pay for ads - especially for Facebook - you need to make sure that your ads are going to be doing what you want it to do for you.

However, if you don't tell Facebook what you want, it will go with whatever the last setting you used was or what the default setting is (sorry, I don't recall the default setting.  This is why it's important to know what you're wanting to get out of your ad - and each ad you run may have different goals.

Decide what the goals for your ad are before you purchase it.  If you want to promote the page as a whole, promote the page itself, not an article.

If you're wanting to get more visibility on a post, boost that post.

And, more importantly, know your budget.  Don't overspend or underspend if you're looking to reach specific goals.

Tuesday Tips are a series of tips released on Tuesday each week regarding a hint or tip to help you manage and market your Facebook presence better.  You can find all the Tuesday Tips by clicking on the Tuesday Tips tag below.

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