Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday Tips: Format Your Posts in Google +

Unlike most other social media platforms, you can format your posts in Google+ to make certain things stand out more - just remember that in the world of formatting less is often times better than more.

So what do we mean by formatting your posts?  Well you can easily add bold, italics and strike through to the text you add before you hit share.  Personally, I don't use the strike through feature.  I just delete it.

Now the way you can format things on Google+ is different than a WYSIWYG item.

For example.  If you want to bold a word, you surround the word with **.  So...I want to *bold* the word bold, you would put asterisks around the bold as seen earlier in the sentence.*

If you want to italicize a word, put _ _ around it. So the word you want to italicize would look like this: _word_.

To strike through a word, put hyphens on either side of it, like this: -strike through-.

Have fun, but remember: Don't over do it!

*Obviously we aren't on Google+ so it doesn't do it in the blog, but it does do it in posts.   You also won't see it till after you hit post, so your post will be filled with funky symbols until you hit post then it should bold, italicize, etc.

Tuesday Tips are a series of tips released on Tuesday each week regarding a hint or tip to help you manage and market your Facebook presence better.  You can find all the Tuesday Tips by clicking on the Tuesday Tips tag below.

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