Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday Words: Board

Today we're going to delve into terminology from another social media network - Pinterest. While many times we've shared articles about Pinterest and how it can help with social media marketing endeavors, we haven't ever really touched on the terminology, tips or tutorials regarding Pinterest. For many users new to social media or social media marketing, Pinterest can be a bit confusing. So over the next few weeks we will start intersparcing tutorials and tips for Pinterest along with tips and tutorials for other social media networks we already cover.

We start out this week with the word Board.

A board, in Pinterest, is basically similar to a corkboard at home where you'd pin recipes, menus, etc. The difference is, the board is online on Pinterest and serves as a category where you can pin specific things to it.

So, for example, my board "Favorite Recipes" contains nothing but recipes I want to try or have tried and really like. Another of my boards, Video Game related, contains links to things I find interesting on Video games. Some of them contain links to my own articles. Another board, Etsy, contains pins of all items I created in order for me to promote sales through Pinterest.

From a social media marketing standpoint, you want different boards to share things in different topics, but also to promote things specific to your company. You could have a sales board or a book covers board or really anything you can think of.  More importantly, if you blog for your company regularly, you can share your blogs, assuming they have appropriate imaging to do so, through Pinterest.

Pinterest is a whole new world for those new to social media. Take time to learn it!

Wednesday Words are a series of definitions released on Wednesday each week regarding a word found specific to Facebook's social media platform, or may be a generic word dealing with social media. These definitions are to help provide you with a better understanding of common and uncommon terms associated with Facebook and social media. You can find all the Wednesday Words by clicking on the Wednesday Words tag below.

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