Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday Words: Optimize

Today's word is one we've used frequently, but haven't actually defined it and that's Optimize.

We often talk about optimizing for social media - making websites useful to people browsing from mobile devices or finding ways to make it easier to post social media. Optimizing is finding ways to increase performance and ensure efficiency by reworking copy and creative endeavors. With platforms changing and the addition of new social media platforms being a regular thing, it's become important to optimize when it comes to social media.

Some ways people have found to optimize social media are programs like WordPress which will automatically post to social media outlets when an article is posted to a blog. Other people use programs such as HootSuite to schedule specific posts over a week and then posting and responding to people outside of that.

How do you optimize your time when dealing with social media?

Wednesday Words are a series of definitions released on Wednesday each week regarding a word found specific to Facebook's social media platform, or may be a generic word dealing with social media. These definitions are to help provide you with a better understanding of common and uncommon terms associated with Facebook and social media. You can find all the Wednesday Words by clicking on the Wednesday Words tag below.

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