Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday Tutorials: How to Create a Milestone on Your Page

I've had this question asked, so I figured this would be the easiest way to answer it.  The question: "How do I create a milestone on my Facebook page?"

The answer is surprisingly simple, once you learn how to do it - the key to this is looking where you don't expect it to necessarily be.

When you go to create a post, you have several options at the top where you can chose to just write a status, upload a photo/video or create an offer, event,+, as seen below.

If you click on the Offer, Event,+ you will get an image like this:

Click on the Milestone option.  This pop-up will appear.

From there, you can create whatever milestone you want, whether it be the company 1-year or 5-year anniversary, hitting X-number of likes, etc.  Whatever you want to create as a milestone, you can create - within the limitations of the box.

You can also create milestones in the past by telling it when the milestone happened.  So if you missed the one year anniversary, you can date it to be the right date.

Pretty easy huh?

Thursday Tutorials are a series of tutorials designed to help people who may not be as Facebook savvy as other people.  Some tutorials will be targeted towards newbies to the social media world, others will include tutorials for more advanced users.  Thursday Tutorials are written for the layman and are designed with everyone in mind.  You can find all the Thursday Tutorials by clicking on the Thursday Tutorials tag below.

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